Home kitchens good enough for chefs

Restaurant owners in Paris are furious with chefs who have started catering for diners in their own homes – traditional eateries say they could be put out of business as websites put customers directly in touch with cooks – reports the BBC.

In a small flat not far from the Pompidou Centre, a young Italian couple is cooking up an exquisite meal for four people they have never met before.
There are aubergine pancakes, a kind of Neapolitan potato pie, and meatballs – and then three kinds of pasta. The wine has been carefully selected.
A dinner of this quality – everything handmade according to traditional recipes – would cost upwards of 80 euros in a regular Paris restaurant. The four guests are paying 25 euros each.
Welcome to the world of “shared economy” dining. Or as its detractors call them, “underground restaurants”.
Following on from the successes of Airbnb for hotels and Uber for taxis, web entrepreneurs are putting home-chefs directly in contact with diners – and saving everyone vast amounts of money.
If you want a kitchen good enough for a chef pop in and see us, we’re here to help…